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Athabasca University

Heritage Resources Management

Regulations effective July 1, 2018.

The Heritage Resources Management Minor will be attractive to Bachelor of Arts degree students who are interested in a distinctive liberal arts approach to studying heritage. It takes advantage of the intellectual breadth and possibility of the BA to create a distinctive and unique learning opportunity in heritage studies.

The heritage field is interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary in nature and potentially involves many academic disciplines, including anthropology and archaeology, history, art history, architecture, science (applied in interpretive programming at national, provincial, and civic parks and nature areas) and among others, cultural and environmental studies. The nature of Canadian heritage and museum collections and programming also makes Indigenous Studies a common field of focus. Second language skills are also potentially important since heritage work often involves cross cultural work. The literature in the heritage field is also global in scope, further reinforcing the value of a second language. Also, work in heritage facilities and environments typically demands administrative skills in financial and human resources management.


Information effective July 1, 2018 to August 31, 2018.

Updated June 25 2018 by laurab

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