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Athabasca University

University Diploma in Health Administration

Regulations effective September 1, 2015.

The University Diploma in Health Administration (previously called University Certificate in Health Development Administration) is offered by individualized study and where feasible, by grouped study (classroom and video conference delivery), in collaboration community colleges.

Faced with tighter budgets and rising costs, health services administration is in the process of reinventing itself. Health care managers are looking for innovative, cost-effective, and results-oriented ways of meeting the ever-increasing demands placed upon our health care system.

Program Plans

Our online program plans can assist you in selecting the courses needed to fulfill your program requirements.

Counselling Services offers an assessment website, "Mapping Your Future: Your Career and Athabasca University." Athabasca University has also developed program learning outcomes that describe the career options that may be available to you upon graduating.

Program Structure
Total credits in the program 60
Required credits 48
Elective credits 12
Minimum at the senior level 36
Residency Requirement. A minimum of 30 credits must be obtained through Athabasca University. 30
Maximum Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) credits None permitted
Required Courses (48 credits)
ACCT 245 Accounting for Managers of Not-for-Profit Organizations

ACCT 250 Accounting for Managers
ADMN 232 Introduction to Management (3)
ENGL 255 Introductory Composition (3)
HADM 235 Introduction to Health Administration (3)
HADM 315 Health and Community Development (3)
HADM/ECON 321 Health Care Economics (3)
HADM 326 Health Issues: Health and Healing (3)
HADM 336 Community Health Planning (3)
HADM 339 Organization of the Canadian Health Care System (3)
HADM 435 Practicum – Senior Field Placement in Health Administration (6)
HADM 488 Risk Management and Safety in Health Services (3)
HRMT/ORGB 386 Introduction to Human Resource Management (3)
LGST 331 Administrative Law (3)
PHIL 252 Critical Thinking (3)
SOSC 366 Research Methods in the Social Sciences (3)


Elective Courses (12 credits)

Select 12 credits with a minimum of six credits at the senior level and a maximum of six credits in any one discipline.

ANTH 362 Aboriginal Cultures of North America (3)
BIOL 230 Human Physiology (6)
CMIS 245 Microcomputer Applications in Business (Windows) (3)
COMM 243 Interpersonal Communication (3)
COMP 200 Introduction to Computing and Information Systems (3)
ENGL 308 Native Literature in Canada (3)
GOVN 390/POLI 392 Public Policy and Administrative Governance (3)
HLST 200 Introduction to Human Health I* (3)
HLST 201 Introduction to Human Health II* (3)
HIST/INST 368 History of Canada’s First Nations to 1830 (3)
HIST/INST 369 History of Canada’s First Nations from 1830 (3)
INST 357 Contemporary Aboriginal Issues in Canada (3)
INST 358 Aboriginal Women in Canada (3)
ORGB 327 Leadership in Organizations (3)
ORGB 364 Organizational Behaviour (3)
POLI 277 Introduction to Political Science I: Concepts, Structures, and Institutions (3)
PSYC 290 General Psychology (3)
PSYC 340 Introduction to Applied Social Psychology (3)
PSYC 379 Social Psychology (3)
PSYC 388 Introduction to Counselling (3)
PSYC 395 Forensic Psychology (3)
SOCI 287 Introduction to Sociology (3)
SOCI 316 Sociology of the Family (3)
SOCI 329 Aging and You: An Introduction to Gerontology (I) (3)
SOCI 330 Aging and You: An Introduction to Gerontology (II) (3)
SOCI 380 Canadian Ethnic Relations (3)
WGST 303 Issues in Women’s Health (3)

* Students are strongly recommended to take one of these courses if they do not come to the program with a human health background.

Specific Regulations

There is one practicum required for the University Diploma in Health Administration. HADM 435 is a 6-credit capstone course with a 240-hour practicum component and should be taken at or near the end of the program. The practicum course is available only to program students.


Information effective Sept. 1, 2015 to Aug. 31, 2016.

Updated March 04 2016 by laurab

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