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Athabasca University

Bachelor of Science Human Science Major (4 years—120 credits)

Regulations effective September 1, 2015.

The Bachelor of Science Human Science major is offered by Athabasca University’s Centre for Science. The program is designed for students who are pursuing a concentration in Human Science. This program is particularly suited for individuals who wish to continue professional careers in health sciences, research and development, and biodiagnostics, to name several areas.

The BScHS degree major will enable students to customize their area of interest by taking courses from electives in human science and other disciplines. Students who hold an approved college diploma in a health-oriented field may be given up to 60 credits towards the BScHS Post Diploma route. See Human Science Major (4-year PD).

Athabasca University has developed program learning outcomes that describe the career options that may be available to you upon graduating.


Program Structure
Total credits in the program 120
Minimum Credits Required
Senior (300 or 400) level 75
Science credits 75
  • In senior (300 or 400) level science courses (12 credits at 400 level)
Arts and/or Applied Studies courses
No more than 9 credits from any one discipline
Residency requirement. A minimum of 30 credits must be obtained through Athabasca University 30
Graduation with Distinction or Great Distinction. At least 24 credits must be obtained through Athabasca University in order to be considered. 24
Maximum Credits Allowed
In any one Science discipline 45
At the preparatory (100) level 6
Maximum Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) credits 30


Bachelor of Science Core Courses

Students in the BScHS degree major must complete the following core course requirements as they are specific to this major.

A total of 18 credits of laboratory science, selected from:

BIOL 204 Principles of Biology I (3)
BIOL 207 Principles of Biology II
BIOL 230 Human Physiology (6)
BIOL 320 Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates* (3)
BIOL 325 Introductory Microbiology (3)
BIOL 345 Ecology* (3)
CHEM 217 Chemical Principles I (3)
CHEM 218 Chemical Principles II (3)
* If students use either BIOL 320 or BIOL 345 to meet the laboratory science requirement in the core course requirements, they cannot use the same course as a Human Science elective.

The 18 credits of laboratory science fulfill the 18 credits in junior (200) level laboratory science as outlined in the core course requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree program.

Six credits in Mathematics from:


Any university-level computer science (COMP) course

All of the following:

SCIE 326 Scientific Reasoning
(may be used to satisfy the minimum senior-level science credit requirements).
PHIL 333 Professional Ethics**

PHIL 371 Ethics: Science, Technology, and the Environment **
HIST 404 Historical Foundations of Modern Science** (3)
ENGL 255 Introductory Composition** (*see note below) (3)

** These core Arts courses will fulfill part of the minimum credits required in Arts and/or Administrative Studies.


*English Writing Skills Requirement

If you satisfy one of the following, you are not required to take ENGL 255. However, you must replace the three credits in order to satisfy the program’s credit requirement.

  • have a grade of B- (70 per cent) or better in an Athabasca University English course above the preparatory (100) level;
  • receive credit for an English course in which a grade of B- or better was achieved.


Human Science Major

Required Courses (18 credits)

BIOL 230 Human Physiology

BIOL 235 Human Anatomy and Physiology
BIOL 310 Biology of Human Sexuality (3)
BIOL 341 Human Genetics (3)
HLST 200 Introduction to Human Health I (3)
NUTR 330 Introductory Nutrition

NUTR 331 Nutrition for Health (3)
Elective Courses
(select 30 credits from the following)
ANTH 278 Human Evolution and Diversity (3)
BIOL 320 Comparative Anatomy of the Vertebrates* (3)
BIOL 345 Ecology* (3)
BIOL 401 Cell Biology (3)
BIOL 495 Biology Projects I (3)
BIOL 496 Biology Projects II (3)
CHEM 301 Introduction to Biochemistry (3)
CHEM 330 Environmental Chemistry (3)
CHEM 350 Organic Chemistry I (3)
CHEM 360 Organic Chemistry II (3)
CHEM 495 Chemistry Projects (3)
CHEM 496 Chemistry Projects (3)
HADM 379 Introduction to Epidemiology (3)
HLST 301 Complementary and Alternative Therapies (3)
HLST 320 Teaching and Learning for Health Professionals (3)
NURS 328 Understanding Research (3)
NUTR 405 Nutrition in Health and Disease (3)
NUTR 406 Modern Concepts in Nutrition (3)
NUTR 495 Nutrition Projects (3)
NUTR 496 Nutrition Projects (3)
PSYC 355 Cognitive Psychology (3)
PSYC 387 Learning (3)
PSYC 402 Biological Psychology (3)
PSYC 304 Research Methods in Psychology*
*Students who have obtained credit for PSYC 404 may not take PSYC 304.
* If students use either BIOL 320 or BIOL 345 to meet the laboratory science requirement in the core course requirements, they cannot use the same course as a Human Science elective.


Information effective Sept. 1, 2015 to Aug. 31, 2016.

Updated February 08 2016 by laurab

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