PMCC Specializations
There are two specializations offered in the Post-Masters Certificate in Counselling program.
For information about specific courses in each of these specializations, please see the GCAP website. To complete specialization courses in Art Therapy, you are referred to the Diploma program offered by the Vancouver Art Therapy Institute.
The courses in the Counselling Psychology specialization reflect the graduate course requirements for licensing with the College of Alberta Psychologists. Students in this specialization may be looking to pick up additional courses for licensure that were not included in their Masters degree. Students from other provinces are encouraged check with their provincial regulatory body for course and program requirements. This specialization may also be of interest to those with a more specialized Masters degree who wish to pick up a cluster of foundational counselling psychology theory and practice courses to round out their educational experience.
The career counselling specialization will provide the specialized knowledge and skills needed to offer quality career development services. Career counsellors assist individuals, groups, or communities to achieve greater self-awareness, develop a life and work direction, increase understanding of learning and work opportunities, and become self-directed in managing learning, work, and transitions.
Professionals with this specialization may end up working in human resource development, career education, career counselling, employment counselling, and community rehabilitation. They may also provide training in personal but job-related areas, such as job-search, interviewing, self-exploration, time management, anger management, and entrepreneurship. Career practitioners may work in schools, post-secondary institutions, private vocational colleges, community-based agencies, private practice, federal and provincial government departments, organizations like Workers' Compensation, private agencies, human resources departments in larger businesses, and joint labour-business partnerships.
Information effective Sept. 1, 2010 to Aug. 31, 2011.
Updated October 20, 2011