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Undergraduate Calendar 2013|14

Governance, Law and Management Major

Bachelor of Professional Arts
Governance, Law and Management Major

Regulations effective September 1, 2013.

The Bachelor of Professional Arts Governance, Law and Management major (BPA–GLM) is offered by the Centre for Social Sciences. The program is designed to prepare innovative managers and professionals for leadership success with public sector organizations in the knowledge-based society and economy. This leading-edge program provides education that promotes vision, creativity, and strategic thinking, as requisite skills for administrators in an era of globalization.

The recent reforms in organizations have led to a shift from "command-and-control" management structures and practices to an organizational context characterized by flexibility, innovation, and lifelong learning. The BPA–GLM provides the requisite knowledge and practical know-how needed by professionals for good governance and the successful management of organizational change, particularly the increasing shift to e-governance.


Enrolment Requirements

The Governance, Law and Management major is available to:

  • graduates of an approved two-year diploma from an accredited college or technical institute in a public or not-for-profit sector related field (e.g., management, legal studies, policing, security, recreation administration, environmental studies, library and information studies);
  • graduates of a previous undergraduate university degree in an unrelated discipline (with at least one year of professional practice relevant to the Governance, Law and Management major); or,
  • students with a minimum of two years of university-level coursework (with at least one year of professional practice relevant to the Governance, Law and Management major).

Coursework and credentials must have been obtained from a college, university or institute of technology approved by Athabasca University. Individuals who have questions about the eligibility of their previous education for admission are strongly encouraged to contact the program coordinator.

Sixty credits beyond the AU-approved two-year college diploma are required for degree completion.

The program provides students with two years of Arts and Administrative Studies courses along with specialized senior-level courses in governance.


Common Core

The common core courses may be taken at any time; however, students are encouraged to complete the common core courses early in their program. The common core addresses skills and knowledge that will help students succeed with the remaining degree requirements.


Program Learning Outcomes

Athabasca University has developed program learning outcomes that describe the career options that may be available to you upon graduating. For more information regarding this major, contact the program coordinator.

Program Structure*
Common Core credits 12
Major Courses credits 15
Focus area courses credits 27
Options credits 6
Residency requirement
A minimum of 30 credits must be obtained through Athabasca University
Graduation with Distinction or Great Distinction. At least 24 credits must be obtained through Athabasca University in order to be considered. 24
Maximum Prior Learning and Assessment (PLAR) Credits 30 to 60
* Note: In the course of their BPA–GLM program, students must take 15 GOVN credits.
  1. Complete the BPA common core.
  2. Select a minimum of five courses (15 credits) from among five of the following six groups of required major courses:
Group 1
ACCT 245 Accounting for Managers of Not-for-Profit Organizations

ACCT 250 Accounting for Managers

ADMN 232 Introduction to Management

GOVN/GLST 450 Public Budgeting and Financial Management in a Globalized World (3)
Group 2
ECON 401 The Changing Global Economy*

*Students who have received credit for ECON 301 may not take ECON 401.


International Political Economy: The Politics of Globalization


POEC 393 Canada and the Global Political Economy

Group 3
GOVN/POLI 301 Governance, the Public Sector, and Corporate Power (3)
Group 4
GOVN/HSRV/POLI 400 Governance and Leadership

GOVN/POLI 405 Innovative Public Management (3)
Group 5
GOVN/GLST/POLI 440 Global Governance and Law

LGST 331 Administrative Law (3)
Group 6
CMNS 308 Understanding Statistical Evidence (3)

There are three focus areas within the BPA–GLM program. The three focus areas are reflected in both the name and structure of the program; students select nine credits from each focus area.

Courses within the Politics of Governance focus area provide students with an understanding of the social forces and environment that shape modern governance. Courses within the Law, Justice, and Policing focus area illuminate both legal institutions and the differences in power amongst groups within society. The Management and Administrative Studies focus area allows students to acquire the skills they need to assume leadership roles within public sector organizations.

Focus Areas

1. The Politics of Governance

Nine credits selected from the following. A maximum of six credits in any one of the following disciplines: ENVS, HADM, INST, POEC, POLI, WGST. All INP courses are taken online from Ryerson Polytechnic University.

ANTH 362 Aboriginal Cultures of North America (3)
INP 900 Introduction to the Nonprofit/Voluntary Sector (3)
INP 901 Developing Effective Organizations (3)
INP 911 Advocacy and Governmental Relations (3)
INP 916 NGOs and World Governance (3)
INP 920 Critical Issues (3)
CMNS 401 Cultural Policy in Canada (3)
ECON 247 Microeconomics (3)
ECON 248 Macroeconomics (3)
ECON/HADM 321 Health Care Economics (3)
ECON 385 Money, Banking, and Canadian Financial Institutions (3)
ENVS All courses  
GEOG 302 The Canadian North (3)
GEOG 311 Canadian Urban Development (3)
GLST 395 Global Development Strategies (3)
GLST 483 International Political Economy: The Politics of Globalization (3)
GOVN All courses  
HADM All courses  
HERM All courses  
HIST 328 History of Canadian Social Policy (3)
HIST 329 Social History of Canada (6)
HSRV 311 Practice and Policy in the Human Services (3)
HSRV 322 Ideology and Policy Evolution (3)
IDRL 201 Labour Unions (3)
IDRL 312 Conflict and Accommodation (3)
INST All courses at the 300/400 level  
LBST All courses  
LGST 390 Women, Equality and the Law (3)
POEC All courses  
POLI All courses  
PSYC 340 Introduction to Applied Social Psychology (3)
SOCI 321 Sociology of Work and Industry (3)
SOCI 345 Women and Work in Canada (3)
SOCI 348 Sociology of Environment and Health (3)
SOCI 380 Canadian Ethnic Relations (3)
WGST All courses *  
  *WGST/HSRV 421 and INP 911 are equivalent courses. Credit will not be given for both.


2. Law, Justice, and Policing

Nine credits selected from the following. A maximum of six credits in any one of the following disciplines: CRJS and IDRL. All INP courses are taken online from Ryerson Polytechnic University.

INP 911 Advocacy and Governmental Relations (3)
CMNS 311 Mass Media and the Law (3)
CRJS All courses  
GOVN 377 Issues in Access to Information and Privacy Protection (3)
GOVN/GLST/POLI 440 Global Governance and Law (3)
HIST 336 History of Canadian Labour (6)
HRMT 322 Employment Law (3)
IDRL All courses  
INST 426 Aboriginal Government and Law (3)
LGST All courses  
PHIL 335 Biomedical Ethics (3)
PHIL 371 Ethics, Science, Technology, and the Environment (3)
PHIL 375 Philosophy of the Environment (3)
PSYC 395 Forensic Psychology (3)
PSYC 435 Abnormal Psychology (3)
SOCI 305 Sociology and Crime (3)
SOCI 365 Sociology of Deviance (3)
SOCI 381 The Sociology of Power and Inequality (3)
WGST 422 Violence Against Women: A Global Perspective (3)


3. Management and Administrative Studies

Nine credits selected from the following. A maximum of six credits in any one of the following disciplines: ADMN, CMIS, ECON, HADM, HRMT, MGSC, MKTG, ORGB. All INP courses are taken online from Ryerson Polytechnic University.

ADMN All courses  
INP 902 Program Evaluation (for Nonprofit Organizations) (3)
INP 910 Strategic Planning (in Nonprofit Organizations) (3)
INP 912 Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations (3)
INP 913 Leading Through Change (3)
INP 914 Diversity and Conflict Resolution (3)
INP 915 Financial Management (3)
CMIS All courses  
CMNS 380 Corporate Communication (3)
COMM 243 Interpersonal Communication (3)
COMM 277 Group Communication (3)
ECON All courses  
ENVS 305 Environmental Impact Assessment (3)
ENTP 212 Entrepreneurship (3)
GOVN 390/
POLI 392
Public Policy and Administrative Governance (3)
GOVN/HSRV/POLI 400 Governance and Leadership (3)
GOVN/POLI 405 Innovative Public Management (3)
GOVN/GLST 450 Public Budgeting and Financial Management in a Globalized World (3)
HRMT All courses  
MGSC All courses  
MKTG All courses  
ORGB All courses  
PSYC 405 Creating a Working Alliance (3)
SOCI 300 Organizations and Society: How to Make Sense of Modern Organizational Life (3)
SOSC 366 Research Methods in the Social Sciences (3)
Options (6 credits)
6 credits from any discipline. (6)



Students are advised that they can take only 12 credits at the junior level. Preparatory courses cannot be taken for credit in the BPA–GLM program.

Students who wish to pursue employment in the federal civil service or foreign affairs are strongly encouraged to take French for their Option courses. Student interested in North American integration should take Spanish. Students interested in European governance should take German. Students interested in governance capacity building for First Nations communities should take Indigenous language courses.


Information effective Feb. 5, 2013 to Aug. 31, 2013.

Updated February 23, 2021