7.3. Exams
Online Exam Request Form
Exam Invigilator Fees
Arrive On Time!


Preparing for exams starts when the course begins. Good study habits, time management, reading to understand and remember, frequent reviews, and relating your studies to your everyday life all go a long way toward preparing you for the final exam.

Anxiety can prevent you from doing well in exams. Many students have benefited from some coping strategies offered by Athabasca University's Counselling Services and we encourage you to call. The “Mastering Exam Anxiety” brochure offers exam preparation and coping strategies to help assuage anxiety.

Athabasca University has many resources to optimize your performance on exams. Refer to 7.13.




An individual authorized by Athabasca University to oversee the writing of an exam by an Athabasca University student is called an "invigilator."

This person must meet specific guidelines (below) and be willing to invigilate the student's exam. Athabasca University reserves the right to reject proposed invigilators. Contact Examination Services, Office of the Registrar if you require assistance.

Invigilator Guidelines

Students must write their exams at an accredited, post-secondary institution such as a community college or a technical institute. If a college or technical institute is not accessible, students may write at an educational institution such as a high school or library, once approved by Examination Services, Office of the Registrar.
To eliminate conflict-of-interest problems, relatives, friends, neighbours, co-workers (including immediate supervisors), persons living at the same address of the student, or other Athabasca University students, cannot invigilate exams without the permission of the Coordinator, Examination Services, Office of the Registrar.
Exams should be written under the supervision of a professor, teacher, or an authorized invigilator.

Where none of these options are available, students should contact Examination Services, Office of the Registrar. A staff member will help you determine a suitable location and an acceptable invigilator.

Online Exam Request Form.



Exam Invigilator Fees

Most invigilators request a fee to invigilate student exams. Students are responsible for all expenses incurred for this service, and may be required to pay invigilation fees to the institution that is invigilating their exams.

Athabasca University does not charge a fee to invigilate exams at any of its three Learning Centre locations. Other invigilation centers may charge students separate fees for the cancellation and/or rescheduling of exams.


Arrive On Time!

Arrive promptly for your scheduled examination invigilation appointment. Latecomers can be extremely disruptive to other students writing examinations.

If you arrive more than 15 minutes late for a scheduled examination, and you have not notified your exam invigilator in advance, you will be required to rebook your exam for another date and time, and pay the multiple exam fee (payable if you are unable to rebook within five business days. Review Section 7.4.3 Unwritten Examinations.).

Whenever possible, Athabasca University accommodates moderately late arrivals; however, you will risk being interrupted if others leave the room before you are finished writing your examination. Allowing additional time may not always be possible. Contact the institution where you are writing, and it will advise you whether or not there is time to write your examination.

If you still choose to write with less than the recommended time allowed, this will be noted on your examination in the case of future appeals. Please use your discretion when assessing the multiple exam fee and addressing such issues that may arise due to personal emergencies, accidents, inclement weather, etc.


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 • Information effective Sept. 1, 2004 to Aug. 31, 2005.
 • Links: Web Unit, Privacy & Conditions. © Athabasca University.

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