Undergraduate Programs
Psychology Major
Regulations effective September 1, 2003

Students complete the program regulations in effect at the time of their enrolment.
Requirements within the 120 credits required for the BA.
48 credits in designated Psychology major courses including 30 senior (300 or 400) level credits in designated Psychology major courses (including 12, 400-level credits [SOSC 366 is included as part of these 30 credits]).
15 credits in the following core courses:
MATH 215 Introduction to Statistics (3)
PSYC 289 Psychology as a Natural Science (3)
PSYC 290 General Psychology (3)
PSYC 375 History of Psychology (3)
PSYC 404 Experimental Psychology
SOSC 366 Research Methods in the Social Sciences (3)



6 credits in Literature courses, for example:


ENGL 211 Prose Forms (3)
ENGL 212 Plays and Poetry (3)
ENGL 324 Shakespeare I (3)
ENGL 325 Shakespear II (3)
ENGL 344 American Literature(3)
ENGL 345 American Literature II (3)
FREN 374 Introduction � la litt�rature canadienne-fran�aise (3)



A minimum of 3 credits in each sub-area: Applied Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Human Interaction and Adjustment, Learning and Cognition, and Physiological Psychology.

  Applied Psychology  
COMM 329 The Practice of Interpersonal Communications (3)
EDPY 351 Introduction to Exceptional Children (3)
EDPY 479 Introduction to Computer- based Instruction (3)
HLST 320 Teaching and Learning for Health Professionals (3)
HRMT/ORGB 386 Introduction to Human Resource Management (3)
ORGB 319 Motivation and Productivity (3)
ORGB 364 Organizational Behaviour (3)
PSYC 205 Prior Learning Assessment and Portfolio Development (3)
PSYC 300 Theories of Career Development (3)
PSYC 301 Career Development Resources in the Changing World of Work (3)
PSYC 340 Introduction to Applied Social Psychology (3)
PSYC 343 Issues and Strategies in counselling Women (6)
PSYC 388 Introduction to counselling (3)
PSYC 389 An Introduction to Learning Disabilities (3)
PSYC 395 Psychology and Law (3)
PSYC 400 Teaching and Managing the Child with
Learning Difficulties
PSYC 401 Learning Through Life (3)
PSYC 405 Creating a Working Alliance (3)
PSYC 432 Psychology and the Built Environment (3)
PSYC 441 Experiential Learning and Reflection Practice I (3)
PSYC 442 Experiential Learning and Reflection Practice II (3)
PSYC 470 Consultation and Collaboration for Students
with Special Needs
PSYC 471 Managing Behaviour Problems in the Classroom (3)

Developmental Psychology

PSYC 228 An Introduction to Child Development* (3)
PSYC 323 Developmental Psychology (3)
PSYC 350 Adolescent Psychology (3)
PSYC 381 The Psychology of Adult Development (3)
PSYC 228 does not contribute to the senior-level Psychology requirement of 30 credits even though it fulfils a subarea requirement.
  Human Interaction and Adjustment
PSYC 356 Introduction to Personality Theories and Issues
PSYC 379 Social Psychology (3)
PSYC 406 Introduction to Theories of counselling and Psychotherapy (3)
PSYC 435 Abnormal Psychology (3)
  Learning and Cognition
PSYC 355 Cognitive Psychology (3)
PSYC 387 Learning (3)
  Physiological Psychology
PSYC 402 Biological Psychology (3)

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