This Calendar is effective September 1, 2001 - August 31, 2002
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3.5 Course Overviews: "F"

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FNCE 249
Personal Investing
3—Applied Studies
Delivery Mode: *Individualized study or grouped study.
*Note: This course may be offered online or online-enhanced. Confirm status before registering.
Prerequisite: None.

This course is a general introduction to investing in securities from a personal investor's point of view. The purpose of the course is to help students understand the investment process and the basic tools of investing, and to provide practical experience in establishing and monitoring an investment portfolio. The main topics include the Canadian securities system, bonds, debentures and money markets, stocks, options, mutual funds, the investment processs, and financial planning.

FNCE 322
Personal Finance
3—Applied Studies
Delivery Mode: *Individualized study or grouped study.
*Note: This course may be offered online or online-enhanced. Confirm status before registering.
Prerequisite: None.
Note: FNCE 322 is temporarily closed. Students interested in taking FNCE 322 may register in the new personal investing course FNCE 249.

Personal Finance provides a general framework for personal financial decision making that will help the student prepare an integrated, potentially comprehensive "personal financial profile." It was designed to provide an overview of financial management from a personal perspective and focuses on an individual's financial and cultural environments. The course concentrates on the strategic and planning side of financial management. It is not a course on investment techniques, tax techniques, retirement techniques, or estate distribution techniques.

This course requires the student to investigate his or her personal characteristics and values as well as his or her personal finances in considerable depth. Students are expected to submit this information for marking via the TMEs. The TMEs will be returned to the student.

FNCE 370
Overview of Corporate Finance
3—Applied Studies
Delivery Mode: *Individualized study; grouped study; or e-Class®.
*Note: This course may be offered online or online-enhanced. Confirm status before registering.
Prerequisite: MATH 215 or MGSC 301 and either ACCT 250 or ACCT 253.

This course is a comprehensive introduction to financial tools and their applications from the perspective of corporate financial management. The emphasis is to develop both a basic understanding of important financial theories and an ability to analyse a variety of basic corporate financial situations that require an application of these theories. Major topics covered include the time value of money, financial analysis, stock and bond valuation models, capital budgeting, the capital asset pricing model, leverage and dividend policies, options, cash and short-term financial management, mergers and acquisitions, and leasing.

FNCE 401
3—Applied Studies
Delivery Mode: *Individualized study or grouped study.
*Note: This course may be offered online or online-enhanced. Confirm status before registering.
Prerequisite: FNCE 370 or equivalent.
Precluded course: FNCE 401 may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for FNCE 349.

This course is a comprehensive examination of the theories, methods, and strategies required for successful financial investments. The emphasis is to develop an understanding of the principles of investment analysis and the relationships of financial investment decision variables, and to acquire an ability to make sound investment decisions. Major topics include financial instruments, portfolio theory, capital asset pricing, market efficiency, financial security analysis, fixed income securities, derivative securities, and active portfolio management. Students must fulfill assignments and examinations requirements and submit a project that demonstrates a good command of the main principle investments and current affairs in financial markets, in order to complete the course successfully.


Students who have not taken French courses for two or more years and who have not kept up their language skills, are strongly advised to contact the course professor even though they may satisfy course prerequisites.

FREN 100
French for Beginners I: French in Action
Delivery Mode: Individualized study with video component.
Prerequisite: This course is demanding for those with no knowledge of French. A good knowledge of English grammar is essential.
Precluded course: FREN 100 cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for FREN 103.

This course introduces the student to the basic elements of the French language. Both oral and written expressions are emphasized in the study of vocabulary, grammar, and idiomatic expressions. Pronunciation, oral comprehension, and reading and writing skills are also emphasized. The course, together with its complement FREN 101, will enable a student to speak and write in simple French in a range of everyday situations.

Note: This course may be taken for credit towards a degree program. It cannot be applied toward the major in French. Students are strongly advised not to take FREN 100 and FREN 101 simultaneously.

FREN 101
French for Beginners II
Delivery Mode: Individualized study with video component.
Prerequisite: FREN 100 or recent completion of French 20 (or two years of senior high school French or equivalent). A good knowledge of English grammar is essential.
Precluded course: FREN 101 cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for FREN 103.

This course continues the study of the basic elements of the French language that started in FREN 100. Both oral and written expressions are emphasized in the study of vocabulary, grammar, and idiomatic expressions. Pronunciation, oral comprehension, and reading and writing skills are also emphasized. The course enables a student to speak and write in simple French in a range of everyday situations. This course may be taken for credit towards a degree program. It cannot be applied toward the major in French.

FREN 200
First Year University French I
Delivery Mode: Individualized study with audio component.
Prerequisite: FREN 101 or equivalent.
Precluded course: FREN 200 cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for FREN 242.

French 200: First Year University French I, continues the study of FREN 100 and 101. The course leads students through a major review of French grammar and develops the students' ability to read, understand, and write short passages in French. It teaches the students to express themselves in French in social situations, to talk about themselves, to express opinions, and speak about their experiences. Regular contact with the course tutor is essential because of the oral components of the course.

Note: Students are strongly advised not to take FREN 200 and FREN 201 simultaneously.

FREN 201
First Year University French II
Delivery Mode: Individualized study with audio component.
Prerequisite: FREN 200 or equivalent.
Precluded course: FREN 201 may not be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for FREN 242.

This course further develops the ability to speak and write French, enabling students to use French in social situations and to talk about themselves, their opinions, and their experiences. In addition, the course leads the student through a major review of grammar and develops the student's ability to understand and compose short passages. Because of its oral components, regular contact with the course tutor is essential.

FREN 362
Second Year University French
Delivery Mode: Individualized study.
Prerequisite: FREN 201 or equivalent.
Precluded course: FREN 362 cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for FREN 361.

This course is designed to follow FREN 201 or a full first-year university French course. It continues the study of French grammar, expansion of vocabulary, and the study of a variety of literary texts in French. The student will improve both written and spoken French through practice in conversation, comprehension, grammar, and composition.

FREN 363
Le roman français du XXe siècle
Delivery Mode: Individualized study with audio component.
Prérequis: FREN 362 ou déclaration d'admissibilité par le/la professeur/e du cours. Notez bien qu' il est nécessaire d'avoir à sa disposition un magnétophone à cassettes afin d'écouter les vingt-trois leçons du cours.

Etude de cinq romans du XXe siècle illustrant l'évolution du roman moderne et de la vie intellectuelle en France. Grands thèmes: le roman traditionnel, la crise du roman et du récit, l'existentialisme, et le nouveau roman. André Gide: L'Immoraliste; Marcel Proust: Combray; Albert Camus: L' Etranger; Jean-Paul Sartre: La Nausée; Marguerite Duras: Moderato Cantabile.

FREN 374
Introduction à la littérature canadienne-française
Delivery Mode: Individualized study.
Prérequis: FREN 362 et déclaration d'admissibilité par le/la professeur/e du cours.

Ce cours a été conçu afin de permettre à l'étudiant(e) de prendre connaissance de la littérature canadienne-française. L'approche que nous avons adoptée est celle de l'étude d'oeuvres choisies, présentées à l'intérieur d'un cadre historique; et pour ce, nous vous proposons une anthologie qui comprend un éventail de textes à caractère historique et poétique, entre autres. Pour accompagner cette toile de fond, nous avons sélectionné quelques romans et pièces de théàtre qui seront représentatives de l'évolution de l'oeuvre littéraire canadienne-française de ses débuts à nos jours. L'objectif principal de ce cours est de créer une atmosphère favorable à une découverte littéraire personnelle et stimulante.

FREN 375
Vocabulary Expansion
Delivery Mode: Individualized study with audio component
Prérequis: FREN 362. Notez bien qu'il est essentiel que l'étudiant(e) ait à sa disposition un magnétophone à cassettes.

Ce cours, misant sur l'apprentissage et l'enrichissement du vocabulaire, porte sur l'aspect lexique plutôt que sur la grammaire française. L'étudiant(e) sera progressivement amené(e) à augmenter ses connaissances du vocabulaire, à maîtriser les expressions courantes et usuelles et à apprendre à les retenir. Le cours incorpore l'expression orale et écrite et offre une composante littéraire afin de garder l'équilibre entre l'écrit et l'oral.

FREN 383
Pratique orale thématique
Delivery Mode: Individualized study.
Prérequis: FREN 362 et autorisation du professeur.

Ce cours mise uniquement sur l'expression orale à partir de thèmes reliés au quotidien.

Il vise la communication selon deux modes: interaction dialogue tuteur/étudiant(e), et monologue sur cassette. En suivant une approche aussi bien fonctionnelle que communicative, l'étudiant(e) sera progressivement amené(e) à maîtriser des expressions usuelles et nécessaires pour exprimer ses intentions de paroles (donner son avis, préciser sa pensée, protester, conclure. . . ). Parallèlement et dans un ordre croissant de difficulté l' étudiant(e) sera confronté(e) à divers styles de communication: la description, la narration, la discussion, le débat, et enfin l'improvisation.

FREN 387
Français langue des affaires
Delivery Mode: Individualized study.
Prérequis: FREN 362.

Français langue des affaires a pour but d'offrir une formation en communication écrite et orale en français telle qu'elle se pratique dans le monde des affaires au Canada: la psychologie des communications d'affaires; l'appel téléphonique; la correction des anglicismes; les expressions propres à la langue des affaires; la numération, la majuscule, les abréviations, et la ponctuation; le style dans la correspondance d' affaires; les parties de la lettre; le courrier d'affaires; rédaction de lettres d'usage courant; une lettre pour chaque occasion; analyse de lettres d'affaires; le courrier interne et les communications diverses; la mise en page d'un rapport; à la recherche d'un emploi; l'entrevue; la bureautique.

FREN 401
Composition française
Delivery Mode: Individualized study.
Prérequis: FREN 362.

Ce cours poursuit l'apprentissage de systèmes syntactiques et l'enrichissement du lexique. Il a pour but le perfectionnement de l'art de la composition.

FREN 402
Pensée et structure de l'anglais et du français
Delivery Mode: Individualized study.
Prérequis: FREN 401.

Ce cours permettra à l'étudiant(e) de faire une étude comparative du français et de l'anglais. L'étudiant(e) fera l'étude des moyens dont on dispose pour passer d'une langue à l'autre, en particulier d'une pensée anglaise à une expression bien française.

FREN 403
Stylistique comparée
Delivery Mode: Individualized study.
Prérequis: FREN 402.

Par le biais de principes théoriques et d'exercices d'application ce cours permettra à l'étudiant(e) de faire l'étude des méthodes et des lois de la stylistique qui gouvernent le passage d'une langue à l'autre, de l'anglais au français surtout.

FREN 412
Français pour tous, français pour tout
Delivery Mode: Individualized study.
Prérequis: FREN 362.
Particularité: Cours non accessible aux étudiant(e)s ayant suivi le cours FREN 312.

Ce cours mise sur un enrichissement de l'expression écrite et orale en traitant les unités suivantes. Socio-historique de la langue: notions générales utiles à la compréhension du phénomène linguistique dans sa perspective historique et sociale. Outils de référence: pratique de la consultation des principaux instruments de travail (dictionnaires, encyclopédies, grammaires, etc.). Orthographe: pratique de l'orthographe pour ceux qui connaissent des difficultés dans ce domaine. Les formes et phrases: acquisition graduée des pratiques les plus courantes de la phrase simple et de la phrase complexe.

Lexique: développement du vocabulaire général et des lexiques spécialisés. Expression orale: pratique du développement de l'expression orale faisant appel aux pratiques acquises dans les unités précédentes. Langue et environnement: interventions sur la langue de l'environnement (affichage, publicité, media, etc.).

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